Morrow Batteries has signed a declaration of intent to build its Giga battery cell factory at Eyde Energipark in Arendal, a southern region in Norway. As is usual when searching for a site for a battery factory of this size, Morrow Batteries has completed an intensive search process beforehand. CEO of Morrow Batteries, Terje Andersen commented: “In the last selection round we had four very good alternatives. All of them tried very hard. But we concluded that Arendal offered the best package solution.”

Although battery cell production is highly automated, a factory of this size creates many jobs, including research. In case module and package manufacturing are added, a lot of manual work is still required. This is what makes the production facilities attractive to many countries and communities.
The location selected by Morrow Batteries at Eyde Energy Park in Ardenal has a central location and accommodates a port. Morrow’s customers are not known but are likely to include automotive manufacturers in countries such as Germany and France. The port allows Morrow to ship the batteries rather than relying on the train or road transport.

Morrow Batteries was founded in June 2020 as an initiative of Agder Energi and investor Bjørn Rune Gjelsten. The founders’ plan is to produce the most sustainable batteries in the world.
In 2023, construction is expected to start. Infrastructure such as electricity and water for cooling are accessible easily, according to the company. The site has already been developed as part of the construction of the new E18, which presumably will shorten the time it takes to obtain permits and provide infrastructure